" Besa" appartiene alla serie " Polifonia", opere dedicate alle culture nel mondo, con
l'inserimento diretto della parola scritta.
Ogni opera č corredata da una scheda in tre lingue
(quella del Paese, italiano, inglese).
Ringrazio Blerina per i suggerimenti e l'aiuto.
Bassorilievo con microsfere di vetro, ceramica e acciaio, polvere di legno,
malta, onice, pigmenti luminescenti.
Besa (lighted painting) (darked painting)
"Every Albanian grows with four words: bread, salt, heart, besa.
For an Albanian "besa" has a very deep meaning, not just about "giving my word" or a "promise" but to give
life, to sacrifice the dearest
thingh to keep: Hello to you all."
"Besa" belongs to the series "Polyphony" works dedicated to the cultures
in the world, with the direct insertion of the written word.
Each work is accompanied by a card in three languages (that of the country, Italian, English).
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